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5 Steps for Proper Tire Storage this Winter

Winter Tires for Sale and Storage at Simone Performance in Newmarket

As the season grows colder and winter is just around the corner you may already be thinking about changing over your tires to winter tires. Proper tire storage will not only save on space, but also help maintain and prolong the life of your tires. By putting in a bit of effort up front to put your tires away properly, it’ll save you time and money later.

While some of us can store tires at home, it’s sometimes not an option for everyone due to space limitations. Simone Performance offers affordable tire storage. If you do have space, don’t just clear a spot in our garage, switch the tires, and call it a day. It’s important to take a second to properly store your tires over the winter.

Here are five easy steps to proper tire storage this winter:

  1. Clean your tires

It’s important to remove the previous season’s grime, dirt, and oils before you store them. If you’re storing your wheels (rims), clean those too to avoid rust and any damage. Dry them off with a soft, clean cloth as well. This is important because you don’t want anything sitting on your tires during the winter that would cause decay and damage.

  1. After they’re dry, put them in bags

There’s no need to apply special products on your tires before you store them. Any type of product could risk damage if it gets too cold or hot, so it’s best to store your tires clean and dry in a bag. Get a large, airtight plastic bag and remove as much air from them as possible. Leaf bags or yard bags work well on the cheap, but you can buy reusable  tire bags if you prefer. Keeping your tires dry is key here and the bags also keep dust and grime off your tires.

  1. Find the right location

After you put your tires in bags, store them on a tire rack or in a spot that is out of the sun. Find a cool, dry, ventilated place (again, you want them kept dry!). A basement is a good spot if your garage isn’t all season. Avoid your shed and attic if possible, since it may not be temperature controlled.

  1. Keep away from any potential chemicals

It’s important to make sure your tires are far away from any chemical usage, especially ozone. Things like your generators, compressors, furnaces, and sump pumps are common things that might be sitting next to your tires without much thought. Move your tires away from these and avoid solvents, fuels, and lubricants as well.

  1. Upright, on top, or in a stand

Now that your tires are prepped and ready for their seasonal home, how you stack them is also important. Standing your tires in a row is your best option, as it keeps the weight off each tire (think of that bottom tire with three tires on top – ouch!). Unless your tires have rims, then stacking is better. If you must stack them, avoid piles too high – if you can make two stacks work, try that. Hanging mounted tires is another good option but avoid hanging unmounted tires as it can deform your tires.

A good set of tires can have many years of quality life if you care for them properly. If you’re interested in secure tire storage, or have any tire questions, get in touch with Simone Performance via email or phone today.

For our winter tire rebates, click here.

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